The Course

Ever wondered what's lurking in the shadowy corners of folklore and popular culture? Dive into the world of creatures that go bump in the night with our exploration of monsters and their enduring appeal. From the ancient Greek werewolf myth of Lycaon to evolution of scientific development and the intellectuals who exploit them, we'll hunt down the origins, evolution, and meaning behind these supernatural character tropes. You'll learn about vampires' Eastern European roots, the connection between werewolves and witches, and the impact of discovery on mad scientists and their creations.

Roll up your sleeves because we're not just dissecting the history and lore of classic monsters – we're going to examine the ways you can draw inspiration from this material to enhance stories of your own. This course is perfect for creatives looking to spice up their storytelling, poets eager to tap into the monster mania, and anyone eager to understand the human fascination with the macabre. You'll walk away with not only a treasure trove of eerie tales but also insights into how monster mythology can influence everything from literature to film, and even how we tackle the fears lurking in our collective subconscious.

What you get:

*An introductory lesson on classic monsters as creative prompts;
*four in-depth modules dedicated to specific monster tropes (werewolves, vampires, mad scientists, and witches);
*a selection of related tales, including contemporary works and old stories you might never have read before;
*discussion questions to deepen and extend your engagement with historical, cultural, and social impact of these classic characters in literature and film;
*a series of generative writing prompts created to encourage and engage creative inquiry;
*instructor feedback of a poem, drabble, micro-fiction, vignette, or flash fiction (under 1,000 words) for each of the four modules;
*and access to a dedicated Discord group for further exploration of these classic characters.

Please note that depending on your country of residence, Teachable may add VAT or sales tax to your total tuition fee.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Classic Monsters as Creative Prompts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Werewolves: Lycanthropes Unleashed
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Everlasting Allure of Vampires
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Mad Scientists and Their Monstrous Creations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Witches Through the Ages
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Your instructors

Carina Bissett is a writer and poet working primarily in the fields of dark fiction and fabulism. She has written numerous short stories, many of which are featured in her debut collection Dead Girl, Driving and Other Devastations (2024), and she is also a co-editor of the award-winning anthology Shadow Atlas: Dark Landscapes of the Americas (2021). Her poetry has been nominated for the Rhysling Award, the Pushcart Prize, and Sundress Publications Best of the Net. Her nonfiction has been nominated for a Bram Stoker Award®. Carina is the President and Director of the Storied Imaginarium.

Fija Callaghan is a storyteller and poet who has been recognised by a number of awards, including shortlisting for the HG Wells Short Story Prize in 2021. Her writing can be found in Seaside Gothic, Gingerbread House, Howl: New Irish Writing, and elsewhere. Her debut collection is forthcoming from Neem Tree Press in early 2025. Originally from the Cascadia region, she now lives in Dublin, Ireland with her books.

Snow White Sampler

Our Snow White Sampler is a self-guided course exploring the traditional tale of Snow White. This FREE course is provided in an asynchronous online format and includes both traditional and contemporary tales, discussion questions to ponder, and writing prompts.

Finishing School

Dust off your unfinished drafts and turn them into diamonds over the course of this six-week class.

Maid Maleen & Doppelgangers

Coming soon!