Dust off your unfinished drafts and turn them into diamonds over the course of this six-week class. Before you even begin, you'll be armed with a developmental edit and an individualized plan detailing the steps to take as you progress on this creative journey. Along the way, you will receive weekly check-ins and coaching to keep you on track. Each week, you will have access to a 60-minute lecture on an aspect of writing including story structure, character development, narrative drive, and more. These lectures will be held on a synchronous remote basis, but they will also be recorded for easy access. Discussion boards offer an interactive component with your fellow writers. The course concludes with a second developmental edit on your finished draft. There are two options for this course: you can either work on two short stories (up to 6,000 words each), or you can submit a novelette-length work (up to 14K).
This comprehensive, self-paced course explores the fairy tale "Snow White" in its various forms and offers participants prompts for creative exploration.
There’s a reason writers of all mediums, from poetry to novels to film, keep coming back to the monstrous. It’s because each of them represents a hidden element inside of us. We all hunger for something — whether that’s love, validation, acceptance, or, yes, blood. We’re all curious about how the world works, and what we could be capable of. And we all long for the power to take control of our destinies. Accomplished authors Carina Bissett and Fija Callaghan will take you by the hand and guide you through the world of classic monsters. We’ll look at how these feature creatures have been portrayed in literature and media across time, and how our perceptions of them have changed. Finally, we’ll give you some tips and tools for creating your own monster story… which may not be monstrous at all.